Von: "Rodolphe Czuba" <rodolphe.czuba@free.fr>
Gesendet: 09.09.09 08:02:56
Betreff: CTPCI orders
Actually I receive only 55 payments including the 25 first from 2006 !
And I have 120 pre-orders ....
What happens

120 - 55 = 65
It is actually not possible to product because I have not enough
money to buy the parts !
It seems that some people are kings for bla bla bla !!
It is shame to see that some people are taking engagements an forget
them after !
I can understand that some people had some troubles after the pre-
order BUT I cannot understandf that they have no respect to contact
be and cancel the pre-order.
All the production quantity was planned on 120 pre-orders...
If the 120 is false, all the parts qties are false....
Very bad because I have already payed some furnishers !!
All this means that I may cancel all the project if the money for the
other boards do not arrive nextly...