Autor Thema: Low cost Hard Disk interface compatible with Atari ST/E family computers  (Gelesen 32723 mal)

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Offline mast-eries

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Low cost Hard Disk interface compatible with Atari ST family computers,
firmware is refined compared to original one;
and tested on a 520ST TOS 1.04, 1040STFM TOS 1.04, 1040STE TOS 1.06, 1040STE TOS 1.62 and 1040STE with TOS 2.06; with ok results.

Results: The unit works perfectly; such example loading the 3.5 MB size of current Metal Slug port takes around 12 seconds (aprox. 650 KB/s read and 400 KB/s write).
Tested against old and modern SD cards, such 1 GB card; 4 GB SDHC and 8 GB SDHC. All these are detected and works correctly!

Operation video,


A video from the user PSIQ, many thanks!


Writing and reading from the hard disk interface:


On the last video, a game running from hard disk is shown; with "/" key, a savestate is created. After successful hard disk file writing, the game is closed pressing "*" key, and the STE system returns to desktop. A copy of the generated GS00.TOS file is created, renaming it to GS01.TOS; finally the game is resumed loading the copy of the savestate, GS01.TOS . All these operations are performed correctly.


There are already built units, at marketplace section!

Offline czietz

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This is an ACSI2STM, right? You say that "firmware is refined compared to original one". Out of curiosity: Where can I find this refined firmware of yours?

Offline mast-eries

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This is an ACSI2STM, right? You say that "firmware is refined compared to original one". Out of curiosity: Where can I find this refined firmware of yours?

Its rewritten in ARM assembly and oriented for C6 family instead C8, to avoid read problems when the hard disk goes beyond 500 KB/s, present in ACSI2STM v1
Compiled using commercial ARM Keil compiler

Due to real C8 are not available from months ago, and C8 clones lack hardware features to use second version of ACSI2STM, such timer 4 features, or defective timer 4 implementation, I hace a CKS32 that fails as v2 version

C6 does not have timer 4 at all xD

Signal management is different here. Compatibility is tested against 12 ST machines, 4 years of STE manufacturing (most problematic ones are STEs manufactured from 1993, last ones I supposse), TT, MegaSTE and MegaST

« Letzte Änderung: Fr 26.11.2021, 15:38:29 von mast-eries »

Offline mast-eries

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Can be deleted,
« Letzte Änderung: Fr 26.11.2021, 15:37:16 von mast-eries »

Offline czietz

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So, it's a 100% re-implementation of the firmware? Quite impressive!

Offline simonsunnyboy

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Does it work with AHDI, HDDriver and ICD Pro?
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Stay cool, stay Atari!
1x2600jr, 1x1040STFm, 1x1040STE 4MB+TOS2.06+SatanDisk, 1xF030 14MB+FPU+NetUS-Bee

Offline mast-eries

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Does it work with AHDI, HDDriver and ICD Pro?

As far I know, users are using AHDI, ICD and most of them Peter Putnik or EmuTOS driver.

Personally I tested Peter Putnik one (fantastic price), and EmuTOS driver (free). 

HDDriver is too expensive; we are all from the low cost club  :)
I don´t know, no users reported anything regarding HDDriver

« Letzte Änderung: Mi 01.12.2021, 11:25:11 von mast-eries »

Offline neualtuser

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"HDDriver ist zu teuer; wir sind alle vom low cost club"
Nein, ich nicht!
HD-Driver wird gehegt, gepflegt und jeden Cent wert.
Geiz ist schon lange nicht mehr geil.(m.P.M.)
Bleibt aufrecht...
/TT-VME/ Rhotron Umbau

P.s. Leider gibt es hier einen Phantasielosen User der eine Verwechselung hervorruft.
Nicht Täuschen lassen !

Offline dbsys

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"HDDriver ist zu teuer; wir sind alle vom low cost club"
Nein, ich nicht!
HD-Driver wird gehegt, gepflegt und jeden Cent wert.
Geiz ist schon lange nicht mehr geil.(m.P.M.)
Bleibt aufrecht...

Ja, so sehe ich das auch. Die HDDriver Software ist jeden Cent wert, zumal bis zum heutigen Tag an Verbesserungen gearbeitet wird. Und Uwe Seimet stets ein offenes Ohr hat. Das kann man nicht hoch genug bewerten.

Offline czietz

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Ja, so sehe ich das auch. Die HDDriver Software ist jeden Cent wert, zumal bis zum heutigen Tag an Verbesserungen gearbeitet wird. Und Uwe Seimet stets ein offenes Ohr hat. Das kann man nicht hoch genug bewerten.

Dem kann ich nur zustimmen.

@mast-eries : With statements like "HDDriver is too expensive" you will not exactly gain sympathy here. Particularly, since the question was just whether your hardware works with HDDRIVER, which is a simple yes or no question.

Offline mast-eries

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Ja, so sehe ich das auch. Die HDDriver Software ist jeden Cent wert, zumal bis zum heutigen Tag an Verbesserungen gearbeitet wird. Und Uwe Seimet stets ein offenes Ohr hat. Das kann man nicht hoch genug bewerten.

Dem kann ich nur zustimmen.

@mast-eries : With statements like "HDDriver is too expensive" you will not exactly gain sympathy here. Particularly, since the question was just whether your hardware works with HDDRIVER, which is a simple yes or no question.

I don´t know, no users reported anything regarding HDDriver
Personally I didn´t test it, I am happy with Peter Putnik one and free EmuTOS one

Is not as simple as yes or no, due to yes or no can´t define the answer to the question,
Its an implicit statement in the previous answer,

« Letzte Änderung: Mi 01.12.2021, 11:31:12 von mast-eries »

Offline dbsys

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I don´t know, no users reported anything regarding HDDriver
Personally I didn´t test it, I am happy with Peter Putnik one and free EmuTOS one

Is not as simple as yes or no, due to yes or no can´t define the answer to the question,
Its an implicit statement in the previous answer,

There is a demo version of HDDriver:

Please take a look, test this version with your hardware and report results. That would be great. Thank you.
« Letzte Änderung: Mi 01.12.2021, 16:53:43 von dbsys »

Offline Johannes

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"HDDriver ist zu teuer; wir sind alle vom low cost club"
Nein, ich nicht!
HD-Driver wird gehegt, gepflegt und jeden Cent wert.
Geiz ist schon lange nicht mehr geil.(m.P.M.)
Bleibt aufrecht...

Ja, so sehe ich das auch. Die HDDriver Software ist jeden Cent wert, zumal bis zum heutigen Tag an Verbesserungen gearbeitet wird. Und Uwe Seimet stets ein offenes Ohr hat. Das kann man nicht hoch genug bewerten.

+1 auch von mir. Bei HDDriver Updates zögere ich nie, das Geld dafür in die Hand zu nehmen - nicht ohne Grund.
Falcon060 /w SV - TT030 - Mega STE4 - Mega ST4 - 1040 ST(F/M) - Lynx II - Portfolio
non-Atari: DEC Vaxstation 4000 VLC, SGI Fuel, SGI Octane, SGI Indigo 2 R10K, SGI Indy, Casio PB-1000

Offline mast-eries

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Recently, the hardware is polished, in order to speed up the SD card interface.

Current, rev. B hardware performance is around 1 MB/s read and 700 KB/s write

Offline czietz

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Over in Exxos's forum there is a discussion about power supplies for the ACSI2STM:

I find it quite strange that people say that they need a 1.2(!) A power supply or that only specific USB cables work, which also indicates a significant current draw. Why would that be? Can you please comment on that, @mast-eries?

Offline mast-eries

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Over in Exxos's forum there is a discussion about power supplies for the ACSI2STM:

I find it quite strange that people say that they need a 1.2(!) A power supply or that only specific USB cables work, which also indicates a significant current draw. Why would that be? Can you please comment on that, @mast-eries?

1.2 A is not needed,

The cheapest good quality power source I have is a Zapaa brand that provides 5 Volts 500mA, its a 2€ power source, that includes an excellent voltage stabilization, there is almost no overvoltage or undervoltage, despite current comsumption.

There are 20€ power sources that are clearly bad, when you saw them in the scope, you see weird voltage fluctuations. A good power source includes proportional and derivative oputput voltage control, many of them provide only proportional control, that leads to overvoltage/undervoltage (fluctuation).

The device usually draws 40 - 60 mA, with some spikes (up to 150 mA) when you are writing to the SD card. Completely normal.

However, you need a very stable 5 volts line in order to power the device; a peak to peak difference of 200 millivolts is not acceptable.

As user Badwolf told, he is able to drop the voltage to 3.8 Volts, and the device still works ok.

But voltage fluctuation appears to be non good for compatibility.

As well, some users found that bad quality USB cables produce no operation of the device,
Personally I tested one of those, and really bad quality cables damage the 5 volts stability, while others don´t.

« Letzte Änderung: Di 01.03.2022, 17:00:20 von mast-eries »

Offline mast-eries

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To remove
« Letzte Änderung: Di 01.03.2022, 16:57:07 von mast-eries »

Offline czietz

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Weil es ja in diesem Thread gefragt wurde: Wie dieses Gerät mit HDDRIVER funktioniert, wird hier beschrieben:

Offline cyberish

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Over in Exxos's forum there is a discussion about power supplies for the ACSI2STM:

I find it quite strange that people say that they need a 1.2(!) A power supply or that only specific USB cables work, which also indicates a significant current draw. Why would that be? Can you please comment on that, @mast-eries?

1.2 A is not needed,

The cheapest good quality power source I have is a Zapaa brand that provides 5 Volts 500mA, its a 2€ power source, that includes an excellent voltage stabilization, there is almost no overvoltage or undervoltage, despite current comsumption.

There are 20€ power sources that are clearly bad, when you saw them in the scope, you see weird voltage fluctuations. A good power source includes proportional and derivative oputput voltage control, many of them provide only proportional control, that leads to overvoltage/undervoltage (fluctuation).

The device usually draws 40 - 60 mA, with some spikes (up to 150 mA) when you are writing to the SD card. Completely normal.

However, you need a very stable 5 volts line in order to power the device; a peak to peak difference of 200 millivolts is not acceptable.

As user Badwolf told, he is able to drop the voltage to 3.8 Volts, and the device still works ok.

But voltage fluctuation appears to be non good for compatibility.

As well, some users found that bad quality USB cables produce no operation of the device,
Personally I tested one of those, and really bad quality cables damage the 5 volts stability, while others don´t.

I tried to google for that ZAPAA power supply without any luck. Do you have a link or something? thx

Offline dbsys

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Weil es ja in diesem Thread gefragt wurde: Wie dieses Gerät mit HDDRIVER funktioniert, wird hier beschrieben:

Vielen Dank dafür, uns auf die Diskussion im HDRIVER Forum aufmerksam zu machen. Es ist sehr interessant zu erfahren, was Uwe Seimet zu diesem Thema zu sagen hat.