Autor Thema: Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB  (Gelesen 11229 mal)

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Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB
« am: Di 18.12.2007, 21:54:56 »

ich habe mal eine alte original Atari 4MB TT Fastram Karte
laut einer Doku aus dem Internet auf 16MB umgebaut was aber leider nicht funktioniert hat.

Weiß jemand ob es doch möglich ist ...

Ich habe die vier SIPP Module duch Sockel ersetzt und dann vier Simm Module a. 4MB = 16MB (4MB Simms mit 8/9 Chips)
, die fehlende Adressleitung verlegt und die Codierung an der MMU entsprechend geändert und den Burst-Modus ausgeschaltet.

Offline tuxie

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Re: Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB
« Antwort #1 am: Di 18.12.2007, 22:00:40 »
HAst du die Jumper umgesetzt?

In den CNC ist das beschrieben wie die stehen müssen.
Tschau Ingo


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Re: Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB
« Antwort #2 am: Di 18.12.2007, 22:03:42 »
Hallo Tuxie,

ja habe ich entsprechend gesetzt die Jumper.

Wieso ... , funktioniert es bei dir ?

Welche Simm Bausteine 60 oder 70ns ?



Offline tuxie

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Re: Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB
« Antwort #3 am: Di 18.12.2007, 22:05:06 »
Nein ich habe es noch nicht getestet weil ich keine Karte habe, du kannst  dich aber mal an den User rayscher wenden, er hat das schon gemacht.

Tschau Ingo


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Re: Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB
« Antwort #4 am: Di 18.12.2007, 22:24:33 »
zu finden unter ...

Upgrading the TT fastram board from 4Mb to 16Mb
The upgrade is for the atari TT fastram board CA400312 which has three jumpers marked W1, W2 and W3.

If you have SIPPs which are soldered to the pcb then you will have to obtain 4 SIMM holders. remove the SIPPs from the board by desoldering them and solder the SIMM holders in their place. Be carefull about the correct orientation of the holders.

The pins on the SIPPs can be removed, by desoldering, the resurrected SIMMS can be placed in the SIMM holders and the board replaced in the computer to check that everything is still OK.

step 0. Remove the four 1Mb SIMMs.

step 1. Cut the pcb track between the the 47ohm resistor pack (RP101) pin 1 and the TTFMCU pin 10 (MAD0). There is only one connection between these pins.

step 2. Make sure that pin 19 of the SIMM holders are not connected. Connect each of the A10 address lines of the SIMM holders pin 19 together. and connect this wire to one end of a 47ohm resistor. The other end of the 47ohm resistor is connected to pin 10 of the TTFMCU (MAD0). This pin should not be connected to any other before the resistor was connected.

step 3. connect pin 1 of resistor pack RP101 to TTFMCU pin 73 (MAD10)

step 4. jumper W1 should be connected 2 - 3 (equvalent to jumper W103) jumper W2 should be connected 2 - 3 (equvalent to jumper W104) this gives a starting address of $0100 0000 for the fastram

step 5. Connect a 820 ohm resistor from pin 62 of TTFMCU (*STERM) to +5v (VCC) +5v (VCC) is availiable on the connector J101B pins 37,38,39,40,57,58,59 and 60 or on the TTFMCU (U101) at pins 3,7,12,54,70,75,79 and 83.

step 6. Disconnect pin 52 of TTFMCU (M4X1) from 0Volts (Gnd) and connect to +5V if required (equvalent to jumper W106 on the newer TTram card).

step 7. Insert the 4Mb SIMMs and replace in tha atari.


      pin 32                 pin 12
                ___________________              ---------
  pin 33   |                            | pin 11  pin 1|       |
               |                            |              |       |
               |                            |              |       |
               |     TTFMCU           |              | RP101 |
               |                            |              ---------
               |                            |              ---------
  pin 53   |                            | pin 75   | RP102 |
                ------------------                         |       |
      pin 54                 pin 74                |       |
                                                           |       |
                  W3                                    |       |
                  W2                                   _________

                |      |      |      |
                |      |      |      |
                |      |      |      |
SIMMs --> |      |      |      |
                |      |      |      |
                |      |      |      |

This has been prepared from the circuit schematics only, I don't have the atari TT fastram board (I bought the GE SOFT one) to check the pcb traces.
If you succeed with the upgrade please post the note to usenet. The TTFMCU is used in both the old (4M) and new (4M/16M) pcbs so this upgrade should work.
« Letzte Änderung: Di 18.12.2007, 22:43:55 von frank.lukas »

Offline Gaga

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Re: Atari 4MB TT Ram Karte mit 16MB
« Antwort #5 am: Mo 16.04.2012, 16:49:49 »
Habs nach dieser Anleitung umgebaut: es ist möglich.

Als schwierig empfand ich es aber, Pin 52 der TTFMCU von Masse auf 5 Volt zu legen. Geht aber.
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