Autor Thema: milan board - pins  (Gelesen 18132 mal)

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milan board - pins
« am: So 08.01.2012, 23:45:17 »

At the mobo near the keyboard connector, there is a block with 8 pins.

Does someone know  what they pins are for ?



Offline Arthur

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Re: milan board - pins
« Antwort #1 am: Mo 09.01.2012, 00:12:39 »
Hello Mark,

j1    PMMU Cache
j2    PMMU Cache
j3    nicht belegt (not connected)
j4    nicht belegt (not connected)
j5    VGI-Init abschalten (VGI-Init off)
j6    OEM Spezialfunktion
j7    TOS von Diskette laden (TOS load from Floppy)
j8    ROM-Monitor

I hope this helps.

Here are more infos.
« Letzte Änderung: Mo 09.01.2012, 00:14:42 von Arthur »


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Re: milan board - pins
« Antwort #2 am: Mo 09.01.2012, 03:30:52 »
Hoi Arthur,

I know, that's jumper block JA.

But, as you can see on the photo,  just at the right hand site of the keyboard connector, and left from 'serial 1' are 8 pins.
I didn't find any info about them.

I wonder if I could connect an Atari keyboard to the milan ?


Offline dbsys

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Re: milan board - pins
« Antwort #3 am: Mo 09.01.2012, 14:05:41 »
So you are talking about the 8 pins just behind the keyboard connector?

I believe these 8 pins have the same signals as on the keyboard connector.


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Re: milan board - pins
« Antwort #4 am: Mo 09.01.2012, 20:17:41 »

I"m talking about the pins just behind the keyboard connector.


Offline Arthur

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Re: milan board - pins
« Antwort #5 am: Mo 09.01.2012, 21:47:03 »
So you are talking about the 8 pins just behind the keyboard connector?

I believe these 8 pins have the same signals as on the keyboard connector.

My thoughts exactly.

Offline jens

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Re: milan board - pins
« Antwort #6 am: Di 10.01.2012, 10:38:42 »
Don't find my Milan manual and mainboard diagram atm, else I might clear that up.
Gruß, Jens
Falcon 030, TT 030, Mega/STe, ST-Book, 1040 STf, 520 ST+ - Milan 060
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