Mir fiel das damals auch auf und ich habe nachgefragt.
> Two things came to mind when I tried the new distribution:
> - lowercase file extensions seem to be used - I'm unsure if this might
> cause problems - atm it seems not but I haven checked on plain ST yet
> - there currently is no option to shell into the compiled program or
> launch a debugger
It wont matter on single TOS. All filenames in AHCC are in lower case.
It is up to the filesystem.
I can not predixt what a filesystem does wit mixed case.
> The latter is a slight issue for those of us who don't use any
> multitasking OS, e.q. plain TOS 2.06 like I do. How about allowing the
> user to allow this more easily? It would ease up the development cycle.
I have no plans to do such things. It will burden AHCC with all
kinds of OS dependant stuff.
I dont want to play OS.
In kurz: "AHCC ruft das OS auf und was das treibt, ist laut Henk nicht seine Sache."
Installier Dir einen guten Fileselector mit einem "*.PRJ" Button und gut.
Wie kann man immer und überall nur Salz in der Suppe finden? Freu Dich lieber, daß da jemand seine Zeit reinsteckt.