Hier mal meine XAAES.CNF zum Anschauen ...
# XAAES.CNF created by EasyMiNT
# This is only a rudiment CNF file, just that things come up!
# It's highly recommended to have a look at the original CNF file!!
# There are much more options and explanations!
# You will find it under c:\MINT\1-16-CUR\XAAES\EXAMPLE.CNF
# Environment variables
setenv ACCPATH c:\
setenv TOSRUN u:\opt\toswin2\tw-call.prg
# naes_cookie (default is no)
naes_cookie = no
# use $HOME in shell_find
usehome = yes
# dc_time = <time in ms> (default is 50)
# double click time (ms)
dc_time = 100
# mp_timegap = <time in ms> (default is 3)
# Mouse packet time-gap. This is the time (in 200hz timer ticks) that
# must pass after a button-release event before a new button-press
# event is accepted by moose.adi. Because of unstable mouse-buttons,
# a button-press may follow immediately after a button-release, creating
# and "extra" mouse-click. This is especially annoying when releasing
# the right-button after a drag-session (Thing's directory-window, for
# example), and the "extra-click" fires some unwanted action.
mp_timegap = 3
# lrmb_swap = <bool> (default is 'no')
# Swap left and right mouse buttons. Setting 'lrmb_swap = yes' will make
# XaAES swap the left and right mouse buttons.
lrmb_swap = no
# Mouse wheel configuration.
# There are currently four configuration variables that is used to to set
# wheel configuration;
# vertical_wheel_id = <value> (default is 0)
# vertical_wheel_amount = <value> (default = 1)
# horizontal_wheel_id = <value> (default is 1)
# horizontal_wheel_amount <value> (default is 1)
# With 'vertical_wheel_id' you can choose which wheel you want to use as the
# vertical wheel. Likewise, you set the ID of the wheel you want to define as
# the horizontal wheel. Do NOT set the same value for both vertical and
# horizontal wheel ID's.
# With vertical_wheel_amount you can set the amount of lines to scroll per
# turn of the vertical wheel. Likewise, you can set the amount of columns to
# to scroll per turn of the horizontal wheel using 'horizontal_wheel_amount'.
# The value for these configuration variables must be a number between
# 1 and 20. Per now, this actually sets the number of WM_ARROWED messages
# send to the application per turn of the wheel.
vertical_wheel_id = 0
vertical_wheel_amount = 3
horizontal_wheel_id = 1
horizontal_wheel_amount = 3
# next_active = <string> (default is window)
next_active = client
# app_options = appname,argument1,argument2,...
# These are good app_options settings that I (ozk) use atm
app_options = default,thinwork=true,winframe_size = 0,xa_nomove = false
app_options = aessys,thinwork=true,winframe_size = 0,xa_nomove = false
app_options = jinnee, naesff = true
app_options = taskbar,inhibit_hide = yes, clwtna = true
app_options = amail, naesff = true
app_options = mymail,thinwork=true,winframe_size = 0
app_options = highwire,winframe_size = 0
# The following will keep the desktop, taskbar and toswin2 running after
# a ctrl-alt-a action
ctlalta_survivors = "toswin2 ", "strngsrv", "_aes_shell_", "taskbar "
clipboard = c:\clipbrd\
accpath = c:\
launcher = u:\opt\toswin2\tw-call.prg
# widgets = <file>
# resource = <file>
#resource = xa_mono.rsc
widgets = widgets\gemjwdg.rsc
#widgets = widgets\styl_wdg.rsc
#widgets = widgets\nine-ozk.rsc
#widgets = widgets\baroqwdg.rsc
#widgets = widgets\ronb_wdg.rsc
#widgets = widgets\magicwdg.rsc
cancel = cancel,abbruch,annuler,avbryt,anuluj,afbryd,undo
# filters = mask, mask, ...
filters = *.*, *.[atpg]*, *.[chs]*, *.l*, *.o*
#helpserver = HYP,ST-GUIDE,d:\help\st-guide.prg
helpserver = HYP,HYP_View,c:\hypview\hyp_view.app
helpserver = HTM,HighWire,c:\highwire\highwire.app
# start any other programs with run
#run <path>\<application>
run u:\opt\toswin2\toswin2.prg
run u:\c\mint\1-16-cur\xaaes\xaaesnap\xaaesnap.prg
# system shell
shell = u:\c\mint\1-16-cur\teradesk\desktop.prg