Autor Thema: Who is interested by an IDE adapter for STE ?  (Gelesen 14306 mal)

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Who is interested by an IDE adapter for STE ?
« am: Di 31.01.2006, 12:22:39 »
Hello guys

It’s a question; I am looking for all guys who are interested by IDE hard drive adapter for STE (perhaps internal , no cartridge port. ONLY for STE, not St, no STF.. sorry) If we are 100 (minimum), Rodolphe Czuba (CT60 creator) will be ready for looking this project so if you are REALLY REALLY interested (only serious guys please), send your (valid) email address to this email IDEPROJECT@FREE.FR with this message (it’s an example)

- Yes, I am really interested by an IDE adapter for my favourite STE

(It’s not the project but if you are interested for an IDE adapter for MegaSTE or TT, tell me too)

It's not a preorder, DON'T ASK any info about price, size, etc…AND DON'T Post your answer on this forum but only on this email - IDEPROJECT@FREE.FR -
it’s just for starting the project.

ATARI FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)