Suche ein Preis günstige Speicher Erweiterung für mein 'neues' TT030. Sie ist im original Ausstattung (4MB ST-Ram / kein TT-Ram / u. 45MB Festplatte).
Leider kann ich nichts finden auf E-bay u.s.w.
Aber Best Electronics hat da ja zwei platinen in ihre Liste:
Atari TT 4 - 16 Meg Fast Ram Upgrade Board Uses 4, 1 Meg by 8 SIMMs OR 4, 4 Meg by 8 SIMMs (both 32 pin type). This plug in Atari 4/16 Meg upgrade board has the extra feature that allows to set Burst and Non Burst Modes of operation and can be configured in 4 Meg or 16 Meg configurations of TT Fast Ram via on board jumpers. 4/16 Meg Atari Fast Ram Upgrade board Without SIMMs.CB102139
$150TT 64 Meg TT Fast Ram Upgrade Board. This 64 Meg Plug in Fast Ram card uses the Industry standard 72 pin Micro Channel PC type SIMMs (Maximum. 2 SIMMs). This TT compatible Fast Ram Card can con-figured to take two each 4 (8 Meg Total) - 32 (64 Meg Total) Meg SIMMs. CB102610
$150Kann jemand mir erzählen welches ich bervorzugen soll?
(Sorry for my bad German, but I'm trying to make myself clear as hard as I can