Ich sehe gerade, dass ich zum Thema Software-Overscan in Mono in einem anderen Forum gepostet hatte, aber die Infos nicht hier her übertragen hatte. Sorry! Ich zitiere mich mal selbst, ohne Übersetzung:
Patching the "Mono-No-Border Screen" demo (
https://demozoo.org/productions/73157/) to run with an inverted screen, i.e., white background, explains what I meant:

As you can see: Yes, it manages to display the scroll text below what would normally be the lower border of the monochrome screen. But it doing so, it massively messes with HSYNC, causing one very long line and, thus, very visible artifacts. You can see the analog electronics in the deflection circuitry of my poor SM124 slowly settling again during the next lines. I guess this is what troed is referring to when he says "you can't perform a sync-clean opening" [in monochrome]. The demo just hides all that in the black background; but you can't use it with arbitrary programs.
PS: Troed, sicherlich
der Experte bzgl. Overscan-Tricks, hat meine Schlussfolgerung bestätigt.