Autor Thema: Kobold Funktionsweise und Unterstützung für alternative Dateisysteme  (Gelesen 24137 mal)

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Offline Lukas Frank

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# FS_NEWFATFS= enables the new FAT filesystem driver for selected FAT
# filesystems. The old TOS FS will be used otherwise.
# The default depends on whether the TOSFS driver is compiled into the
# kernel or not. If it is, all drives are TOSFS by default. If not,
# all drives are NEWFATFS by default and this keyword has no effect.


# FS_VFAT= enables VFAT extension for selected drives specified in the
# FS_NEWFATFS= command. The VFAT extension is disabled by default.
# If you use both TOS and MiNT, better don't enable VFAT extension
# on your boot drive.


# FS_VFAT_LCASE=YES tells the kernel to return lowercase filenames
# from VFAT directory searches. The default is NO.


# FS_WB_ENABLE= enables write back cache for selected drives. The
# write back cache is disabled by default. Also, it does not have
# any effect for TOSFS drives.


# FS_CACHE_SIZE= specifies the size of disk cache in kilobytes for the
# internal caching module. Default is 128.


# FS_CACHE_PERCENTAGE specifies the size of the disk cache (in
# percents) to be filled with linear reads. The default is 5.


# FS_UPDATE= set update time for system update daemon in seconds
# default is 5, it isn't recommended to use a value less than 4.


# Software write protection on filesystem level.


# FDC_HIDE_B= tells the MiNT to remove floppy drive B: from the
# system.
# It is useful on single floppy systems to get rid of "Insert
# disk B: into drive A:" messages from the AES. Default is NO.

Offline mfro

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Interessant. Der Cache ist stets im Fastram?

Der Cache wird per kmalloc() allokiert. Solange im TT-/Alternate-RAM Platz ist, von dort. Erst wenn der zuende geht, wird ST-RAM genommen.
And remember: Beethoven wrote his first symphony in C

Offline Gaga

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  • Wer nicht nachfragt, bekommt auch keine Antwort!
Bei haben die Einstellungen keine positiven Auswirkungen.
ask for: Thunder/TurboThunder- Storm TT/ST - Lightning VME/ST - Cloudy - Speedy - TwiSTEr

Offline mfro

  • Benutzer
  • Beiträge: 1.645
Bei haben die Einstellungen keine positiven Auswirkungen.

Wieviel Cache-Speicher hast Du spendiert? Mit welcher Anwendung getestet?
And remember: Beethoven wrote his first symphony in C