flags. Kommandozeilentool aus dem mintbin-Paket. Zu haben im freemint-CVS:
mfro@thinkpad:~/Dokumente/Development/mintbin$ m68k-atari-mint-flags --help
Usage: m68k-atari-mint-flags [OPTIONS] INPUTFILE ...
Display and manipulate program flags of MiNT executables.
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory to short options too.
-f, --flags=NEWFLAGS set flags to hexadecimal, decimal or octal
-P, --print, --just-print only print current flags
-l, --mfastload set the fastload flag
-r, --mfastram, --maltram set the fast ram (alternate or TT ram) flag
-a, --mfastalloc, --maltalloc set the fast ram allocation flag
-B, --mbest-fit set the best fit flag (stack in heap)
-b, --mbaserel, --mshared-text, --msharable-text
set the shared text flag
-p, --mprotected, --mfull-protection, --mmemory-protected
--mprivate-memory turn full memory protection on
-g, --mglobal-memory turn memory protection completely off
-S, --msuper-memory allow memory access in supervisor mode
-R, --mreadable-memory, --mreadonly-memory
allow read access to memory
--mno-fastload unset the fastload flag
--mno-fastram, --mno-altram unset the fast ram flags
--mno-fastalloc, --mno-altalloc
unset the fast ram allocation flag
--mno-best-fit unset the best fit flag (stack in heap)
--mno-baserel, --mno-shared-text, --mno-sharable-text
unset the shared text flag
-s, --silent print only error messages
-q, --quiet same as -s, --silent
-v, --verbose enable verbose diagnostic output
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
If INPUTFILE is missing, `a.out' is assumed.
Arguments are cumulative. An option that is contradictory to a previous
one will override the previous setting. Using the `--flags' resp. the `-f'
or `--prg-flags' option is mutually exclusive with using one of the single
flag arguments. All options that change the memory protection flags are
also mutually exclusive. If you instruct the program to just print the
current flags (option `--print' resp. `--just-print' or `-P'it is illegal
specify any options that would change flags in order to avoid unintentional
Flags that are not mentioned are left untouched in the executable. The
default action is to print out the current flags both in hexadecimal and
decimal notation; in verbose all known flags, their current setting and
a short description of their meaning are printed out.
Report bugs to <gufl0000@stud.uni-sb.de>