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Markt => Suche => Thema gestartet von: guest3186 am So 25.03.2012, 05:39:21

Titel: Wanted - Graphics Card for TT
Beitrag von: guest3186 am So 25.03.2012, 05:39:21
Hi, now that i have my yamaha CBXD5 unit working with Cubase Audio CBX, i would like to get the best resolution that i can to run Cubase on my TT.

I have read about an atari monitor TT195 that will give a resolution of 1280 x 960. I would like to buy a graphics card for the TT that will get me as close to this resolution as possible.

Please excuse my use of english as my german is not good.

If anyone has a graphics card for the TT that would suit my needs please pm me here.

Thank you very much,

kind regards,

Titel: Re: Wanted - Graphics Card for TT
Beitrag von: Arne am So 25.03.2012, 09:16:14
Just plug-in a TTM194/195 into your TTs Monitor outlet and the TT detects the monitor and switches to 1280x960x2 on its own. No drivers needed.
Titel: Re: Wanted - Graphics Card for TT
Beitrag von: guest3186 am So 25.03.2012, 10:13:47
Hi Arne,

Thanks for the reply, unfortunately i don't have a TT195 monitor. I would like a graphics card instead so that i can plug the TT into my TFT 19" monitor.
Titel: Re: Wanted - Graphics Card for TT
Beitrag von: Lukas Frank am So 25.03.2012, 11:24:21
I think that Cubase will not run on any Graphics Card.
So the TTM195 is the best choice ...
Titel: Re: Wanted - Graphics Card for TT
Beitrag von: guest522 am So 25.03.2012, 14:15:36
I think that Cubase will not run on any Graphics Card.
So the TTM195 is the best choice ...

Are you sure about this Frank? Cubsae 2.06 at least runs on a CTPCI Radeon. Though, I have not tested it on a Nova yet.
Titel: Re: Wanted - Graphics Card for TT
Beitrag von: Lukas Frank am So 25.03.2012, 14:38:08
I'm not sure ...

May be someone can test it !