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Allgemeines => Atari - Talk => Thema gestartet von: FrederickMeißner am Di 29.12.2009, 19:51:09

Titel: Atari STE mega demo finally released !!
Beitrag von: FrederickMeißner am Di 29.12.2009, 19:51:09
Yes! It's finally released.

The Atari STe 20 years megademo was finished late nast night and is now available for download. The demo runs from floppy (1 MB needed) or harddisk (2 MB needed) and features sixteen screens plus intro, menu and reset.

As a personal note I'd like to point out that the screens from TXC were all made in 1991 for various megademos that were never finished. They are some of DHS first assembler attempts.

Crews involved in the megademo:

* Paradox
* Atari Legend
* MJJ Prod
* No Extra
* Paradize
* BiTS
* Dead Hackers Society
* Elite
* Excellence in art
* The X'Press Crew

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Titel: Re: Atari STE mega demo finally released !!
Beitrag von: draconis1 am Mi 30.12.2009, 08:50:07
The Video-File from the Mega Demo:


Atari STe 20 year megademo by Paradox
Playtime 45min 0sec
Type Atari STe demo (2009)
Capture source Atari STe, PAL composite video
Trivia Timeline

00.00 - 02.53 : Intro + Menu
02.53 - 03.50 : Saluts Atari STe (Atari Legend & MJJ Prod)
03.50 - 04.49 : Tribute to Blitter and DMA (Paradize)
04.48 - 08.12 : Extravagance (No Extra)
08.12 - 10.00 : Ex Reset Screen (Paradox (RECORDING PROBLEM! 60 Hz screen))
10.00 - 13.10 : Visual Unity (Paradize)
13.10 - 14.50 : Mr. Fourtyseven (BiTS)
14.50 - 15.57 : Zero to Twenty: Sixty Seconds (KüA)
15.57 - 19.50 : Tuttugandi (DHS)
19.50 - 24.20 : Cubes Ribbons and 3D Flybys (Paradox)
24.20 - 30.00 : Roxotro (RGCD)
30.00 - 34.50 : Zickdisk 2.5 (Paradize & Elite)
34.50 - 37.52 : $14 (Excellence in Art)
37.52 - 40.00 : Direct Color Zoomer (Paradox)
40.00 - 41.40 : Hidden screen 1 - Cykelpump and Flensost (The X'Press Crew (1991))
41.40 - 43.10 : Hidden screen 2 - Megalurk (The X'Press Crew (1991))
43.10 - 44.40 : Hidden screen 3 - Circleblast (The X'Press Crew (1991))
44.40 - 45.00 : Reset screen (Paradox)