Hallo, ich weiss nicht genau wie alt das hier ist da kein Datum dabei stand
aber nur mal zur Vorsicht. Habe ich gerade auf
www.atari.st gefunden:
Warning about eBay seller jil-agone
If you buy Atari hardware from ebay then please avoid the ebay seller
jil_agone from
Gdansk, Poland. If you order any of his Atari hardware such as the USB Mouse interface or the 2GB Handy Ultra Harddisk - then you will
NEVER receive it. He has been ripping people off for years, and eBay won't do anything about it. You won't get your money back, and you won't get the hardware. There are some brilliant Atari eBay traders, but he isn't one of them.
AVOID!Hmm - ist ja nicht schön falls da was drann ist.