Autor Thema: MILAN sounblaster PCI driver  (Gelesen 15140 mal)

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MILAN sounblaster PCI driver
« am: Mo 16.03.2009, 22:23:45 »

As the tittle indicates, is there a PCI soundblaster driver for the MILAN ?

I didn't find anything.

What are good applications for milanblaster ?


Offline Heinz Schmidt

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Re: MILAN sounblaster PCI driver
« Antwort #1 am: Mo 16.03.2009, 22:59:28 »
Hi Mark,

some weeks ago I asked more or less the same question. Take a look at this posting.

Looks like ther are only Milan sound drivers available for ISA cards. But for the Hades there is a driver for a PCI based Soundblaster. I did not try it on my Milan so far.

Greetings Heinz
« Letzte Änderung: So 28.06.2009, 17:06:03 von Heinz Schmidt »
FireBee #8 -- Milan 060/50, Ethernet, CF/SD-CardReader, DVD-RW, ATI Grafik -- Falcon CT63/CTPCI/ATI, CF-Card als HDD, Altec iDrive -- 1040 STE TwiSTEr -- ...


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Re: MILAN sounblaster PCI driver
« Antwort #2 am: Mo 16.03.2009, 23:22:53 »

Thanks for the info.

I tried those Hades drivers, but they didn't work on my Milan.

Also or mixer.acc let's crash my milan with magic 6.2 However, under plain toss it works well.
