I use also spin together with shlight and smbclient. However, I use at the moment only smbclient, not shlight.
I need to check something with shlight. I think it's limited in directory depth. Got some hassles with it on my irix box (fuel

But I never got problems with spin.
I installed the em163.zip from massi Soft. Not the latest one. At the moment I've done the install it was the latest

You've installed the nfs.xfs, and work with the u drive ?
Also, you need to :
Remove METADOS.PRG from the AUTO folder (or rename it to something else, say .PRX). Copy METAXBS.PRG to the AUTO folder. Ensure that METAXBS.PRG runs before MINT.PRG! Copy SPIN.XFS into the MiNT or MultiTOS folder (normally C:\MINT or C:\MULTITOS).Version of spin I use : Release 0.34