Autor Thema: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2  (Gelesen 69934 mal)

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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #60 am: Mo 05.05.2008, 13:28:52 »
Tralilala der Link ist da, aber leider noch kein Prog und die Bonusdownloads funktionieren auch noch nicht, aber ich kann schon mal anfangen....

Gruß Matthias

Danke für den Hinweis, dann mache auch ich mich bereit.

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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #61 am: Mo 05.05.2008, 18:48:49 »
Die Leiterplatten sollten die nächsten paar Tage bei mir ankommen...  ;D
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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #62 am: Fr 09.05.2008, 20:52:01 »
So, die Grafiken sind alle fertig, sowie die Englische Site.
Werde dann mit dem Design der Box beginnen  8)

@Fadest: Thanks for the Link and the Graphs. Maybe it could be possible that in the future is a Mainartwork in the format as the yastuna2-rocket its easier for me to make the box.
Now i began to work on the boxdesign....

Greatings Matthias
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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #63 am: Fr 09.05.2008, 22:03:40 »
Vorab mal gucken. Für heute Feierabend
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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #64 am: Di 13.05.2008, 10:22:26 »
Zitat von: matashen
@Fadest: Thanks for the Link and the Graphs. Maybe it could be possible that in the future is a Mainartwork in the format as the yastuna2-rocket its easier for me to make the box.
I understand, but when I asked Templeton for some artwork based on existing graphs, he answered me he lost/deleted all his previous work, so he quickly reworked existing graph from the cancelled ST version of Tetrisnoid... This is what I used for the AC 2008 flyer, and it is quite good, once printed...

Btw, I saw you work in progress for the box, it is really nice.

Edit : I don't know if you plan to design a manual, but I would strongly suggest to add some blanks pages for Tips and notes on how to play hidden games ;)
Oh, and an extra blank-space for Tipover could be useful too :D

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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #65 am: Di 13.05.2008, 17:21:35 »
Hello Fadest,
there is a new Thread added in these forum for Yastuna 1.
Bernd has postet that the PCBs are finished for programming and soldering.

If nobody finds some failers the actual Box-Layout will be the final and the later founded are for free  8)

If Bernd send you some for a gift i add my finished box to his package.

Greatings Matthias
Have you played Atari today ?!

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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #66 am: Mi 10.09.2008, 19:56:58 »
Hallo zusammen,

Grund warum ich den Thread raushole ist das ich die letzten Yastuna 1+2 Carts von Bernd zur OFAM zum Verkauf mitbringe. Wer noch eins haben will sollte sich beeilen, da die Dinger bald aus sind.

Gruß Matthias
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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #67 am: Di 21.10.2008, 18:11:59 »

interessiere mich für die Spiele auf Cartridge.
Gibt es noch welche?


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Re: The Space Incident Modul - Yastuna2
« Antwort #68 am: Di 21.10.2008, 19:38:57 »

ja, PM unterwegs.

Gruß Lynxman
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Nerd? I prefer the term INTELLECTUAL BAD ASS

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