Hallo Tuxie,
CD Tools, Spin, BetaDOS oder alle Sachen für die man Geld bezahlen muß.
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;File name: BDCONFIG.SYS Revision date: 1998.08.27
;Purpose: BetaDos configuration Creation date: 1998.02.27
;(C)1998 by Ronald Andersson Email: dlanor@oden.se
;The first four entries are commented out, partly because you may not have
;a CD-ROM to use them for, and partly because I have no distribution rights
;for the BOS drivers. They are from the SPIN distribution by Julian Reschke
;and from ExtenDOS, and are what I use for CD-ROM access on my Falcon030.
*BOS, c:\auto\cd.bos, A:11.0
;;;*BOS, c:\auto\spin_sd.bos, B:11\0
*DOS, c:\auto\unidrive.dos, D:A
;;;*DOS, c:\auto\bd_9660f.dos, Y:B
;One DOS driver above is my own, and is a slightly improved ISO9660F version.
;This has been completely restructured, so as to simplify adding new abilities
;(when I get time for that) such as support of long filenames and Dopendir etc.
;The filesystems below are my own, though 'Cook_FS' was inspired by Julian
;Reschkes 'CookieFS'. His pioneer effort in producing new DOS sources gave
;me the impetus (and needed knowledge) to start the BetaDos project.
;Cluster.DOS implements a drive that holds a 'cluster' of other drives, that
;are presented as subfolders, similar to the U: drive of MagiC and MiNT.
;The main difference is that this one works in SingleTOS as well...
;As yet many features of U: are still missing of course (\proc, \dev, etc.),
;but some of these will be added later (especially link stuff).
;For SingleTOS users I recommend editing the 'V:0' of Cluster.Dos to 'U:0'...
;Or like me, use both. V: can also be used under MagiC and MiNT, so it has
;proven a useful medium for symbolic links that can be used identically in
;all available TOS systems, with or without multitasking. I use it a lot !
*DOS, c:\auto\cluster.dos, V:0
*DOS, c:\auto\cook_fs.dos, W:1
;Cook_FS is just another cookie filesystem, based on exactly the principles
;and methods in Julian Reschke's CookieFS. It has been completely recoded
;though this did not motivate many changes, except where it concerned the
;new object linking method, which enforced some changes.
;As yet these filesystems can be considered FreeWare, but I make no promises
;as to what policy I will apply regarding future versions...
;In addition to the 'classic' MetaDOS commands, BetaDOS now also supports a
;new command '*SLB,' Identically to how that has been implemented by Julian
Reschke in his MetaDOS enhancements. So BetaDOS remains MetaDOS compatible.
*SLB, c:\auto\slb_load.ovl c:\gemsys\magic\xtension
;Only one such command per BDCONFIG.SYS file is meaningful, and the path at
;the end specifies the default path BetaDOS will look for .SLB files in. If
;the SLBPATH environment variable is used, this replaces the default path
;with a proper path list. The *SLB, command is still needed though, because
;if it is not used BetaDOS will ignore the new GEMDOS functions Slbopen and
;Slbclose, so the shared code libraries will not be accessible then.
;Thanks go to Julian Reschke again for providing much info on the SLB stuff.
;End of file: BDCONFIG.SYS