Allgemeines > Atari - Events

Atari Day in den Niederlanden


Ich zitiere hier mal 'Nutking' aus dem Atari Legends Forum:

--- Zitat ---Jos Vlietstra managed to organise the Dutch Atari Day again!
Everybody who is interested in whatever Atari-product and who wants to look around, exchange, talk to other atari-enthousiasts or the like is more than welcome on:

13 februari 2005

Stedelijk Dalton lokatie Titus Brandsma

Kapteynweg 3,
3318EC Dordrecht
The Netherlands

note that you have to enter the building from the backdoor, the main gate will NOT be open.

located near railway station (7 min walk)

If you want you can take your musical instrument with you to jam with other musicians and/or Atari computers.
--- Ende Zitat ---


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