Each set of Portfolio ROMs supports three keyboard and text languages. There were four language versions.
EFG English, French & German
EIS English, Italian & Spanish
ESD English, Swedish & Danish
ESS English, Swiss French & Swiss German
There were four official releases of the Portfolio ROMs: 1.030, 1.052, 1.072 and 1.13X. The X in 1.13X identified the languages, 1.130 was EFG, 1.131 was EIS, etc.
So 16 ROM variants in total.
EFG 1.030 EIS 1.030 ESD 1.030 ESS 1.030
Common EIS 1.052 ESD 1.052 ESS 1.052
Common EIS 1.072 ESD 1.072 ESS 1.072
EFG 1.130 EIS 1.131 ESD 1.132 ESS 1.133
Most of us will have EFG 1.072. It is very common. EFG 1.052 is also common.
If you have a Portfolio with a set of ROMs that is in the list above, can you share this information?