Considering talk about commercial distribution: I started new thread with intention to make it more clear, to get rid of off-topic and insinuating posts from known programmer. But that thread is locked, and admin wants that we talk all it in this thread. No problem for me, but I need to copy here what stays there in first post:
Ich werde antworten auf alle Fragen welche sind um geschriebte Versionen. 1.04i, 1.62i und ihre 'kombos' mit 2.06 . So, ja, Leute kann haben Desktop von 2.06 mit GEMDOS von 1.04/1.62 - und das ist beste bei mich - besser SW Kompatibilitat und best ST(E) Desktop .
Sogar mein TOS 1.04i ist Mega STE kompatibel. Diese Projekt dauert schon zu viele Zeit. Gleich ganze Jahr."
Ich werde trotzdem das antworten zum Fragen von 1ST1 . Aber es ist letzte mal. Kein mehr Antworten zum off-topic Fragen.
<English mode on>
1. Why would I open specifikations for 'concurrent' EmuTOS . If they want to deal with features like imroved, BigDOS compatible FAT16 then they can do it without me. Specs are well known. Furthermore, I think that in later versions of EmuTOS it is already done. But I don't know exact parameters. Other things, like Virtual Floppy, Statesaves are very own ideas and pure ASM code.
But main thing is that EmuTOS team will not deal with it. Or anyone other. At least not for some time.
Later, maybe year or more later, if people find that what I did is useful things can change, and someone will want to work on it. Then I can give detailed specs. Will see what will future bring to us.
2. This has nothing with TT and Falcon. I talk all time about TOS versions for ST and STE.
If you really want that I deal with TOS versions for them, please motivate me. Yes, I can do it, in some 1000 ++ hours of work. In other words, do something that what is currently available, what is done sells better.
I will not deal ever with fixing program BigDOS. What I made is much better: no more need for BigDOS.
If want same on TT and Falcon, why not using MagiC for instance ? For other possibilities - look above. Or talk with some C coder, who can mod C sources for real DOS compatible FAT16 in 2.06/3.06. 4.06 still not solvable that way (unless sources are available).
I even started thread in exxos forum about it:'s just ceased in July.
3. Actually Mega STE can run with my modded TOS 1.62, and even with impr. 1.04 so look this:
"Sogar mein TOS 1.04i ist Mega STE kompatibel. "
Sourcecode of 2.06 and 3.06 is still under copyright, isn't ?
And I do all in ASM. I don't like C, not good with it. Atari ST is old computer, and TOS would be much better if they'd decide to do complete TOS in ASM. Then it would be shorter, and they would not need to bother with Line-F emulation in TOS 1.00-1.04 , what was implemented to save some 6 KB space, and TOS can fit in 192 KB. Not to mention better speed for instance.
And who is who made complete OS for Atari ST and followers in ASM - MagiC team

That's nice SW, and I was involved in translating latest version in English (older ones had problems on Falcons with IDE disks). But I really did not use it seriously. I'm good with old single tasking TOS. 8 MHz machine is not really for multitasking. I like that it work fast, boot fast. And SW has big influence in speed too.