Autor Thema: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060  (Gelesen 14838 mal)

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Offline TheNameOfTheGame

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HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« am: Sa 27.08.2016, 07:43:37 »

Sorry for the English but my German is so bad.   :P

I am trying to recreate the programming enviroment for the Hades060 Xilinx chips.

I have the HW-130 programming unit:

And now I received the software:

So now I have the software and the dongles and the HW-130 programmer.

I am still looking for the programming adapters for the HW-130:



Do you know any contacts that may have these?  I am willing to pay.

Do you think Fredi may have these?

The quest goes on!   :D
« Letzte Änderung: Sa 27.08.2016, 17:25:21 von TheNameOfTheGame »

Offline tuxie

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #1 am: Sa 27.08.2016, 13:36:13 »
Hi there,

best way is to contact Fredi direct via email. You can find it on his website

best regards

Tschau Ingo

Offline TheNameOfTheGame

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #2 am: Sa 27.08.2016, 17:24:03 »
Hi there,

best way is to contact Fredi direct via email. You can find it on his website

best regards


Hallo Ingo...yes I have tried several times to contact Fredi but no response.  I don't know why other than maybe he is too busy or doesn't reply in English.  My German is too bad to email with and google translate is terrible lol.

Do you think he would even have the 3 adapters?

Offline tuxie

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #3 am: Sa 27.08.2016, 22:53:28 »
Hm maybe its holiday time, but what you can try is to contact @Mathias, maybe he has contact to him, dont worries i am sure that fredi can write in english.
Tschau Ingo

Offline TheNameOfTheGame

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #4 am: So 28.08.2016, 06:50:46 »
Hm maybe its holiday time, but what you can try is to contact @Mathias, maybe he has contact to him, dont worries i am sure that fredi can write in english.

Yes, Mathias I talk to sometimes.  He is a good man.  I sent him a PM about this and will wait to see if any fruit will grow.  Vielen Dank.

Offline TheNameOfTheGame

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #5 am: So 10.12.2017, 04:15:17 »
I found the HW-133-PC68 adapter last year.

Found the last 2 adapters now (HW-133-PC44 and HW-133-PC84). 

This gives me the ability to program all the Hades Xilinx chips!

Offline goetz @ 3rz

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #6 am: So 10.12.2017, 04:28:20 »
I found the HW-133-PC68 adapter last year.

Found the last 2 adapters now (HW-133-PC44 and HW-133-PC84). 

This gives me the ability to program all the Hades Xilinx chips!

Congrats! What are your plans for the Hades, what do you want to change?
Wider dem Signaturspam!

Offline TheNameOfTheGame

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Re: HW-130 Programming Adapters for Hades060
« Antwort #7 am: So 10.12.2017, 18:13:02 »
I found the HW-133-PC68 adapter last year.

Found the last 2 adapters now (HW-133-PC44 and HW-133-PC84). 

This gives me the ability to program all the Hades Xilinx chips!

Congrats! What are your plans for the Hades, what do you want to change?

I had an old PCIMAIN chip in mine so no network card would work.  Now I have PCIMAIN v5 and the network is good.

My goals for acquiring this hardware/software:

1)  Upgrade Xilinx chips to newest versions for better functionality
2)  Be able to program new chips if mine fail due to age
3)  Be able to program chips for other Hades users if it can fix their machine.
4)  I was told it was impossible to find all this soooo ;D

I asked for the Hades Xilinx design files from Fredi but he never responded.  It would be nice to have them archived. I have all the XACT software to work with them.